Wednesday, November 17, 2010


When I was about 25 years old I embroidered this sampler for my parents. This is what I thought
retirement looked like. Then, as I watched my parents in retirement they did more than sit in their rocking chairs, read the newspaper, knit, regret they were no longer young, etc. They traveled, camped, worked in the garden; they did, "What they wanted to do WHEN they wanted to." They literally enjoyed their retirement!

My retirement looks more like this, in addition to the traveling and most important, "Doing what I want WHEN I want." No more trips to visit the Phoenix area in July - you get the idea? The WHEN is very important. Some days I stay up until 3:00 AM and then sleep in the next day to 10:00 AM. Some days, I don't get dressed until noon, because I have started a project and I can keep going until it's done. Of course, our funds are more limited but certain expenses have decreased drastically. I do miss the people, but I get to go to lunch most Fridays with some of them.

1 comment:

Josh and Lexy said...

Sandy!! It has been too long! I hope everything is well with you! Have a great holiday :)