Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Too Quiet

Seven of the "kids", along with spouses and grandchildren joined us for Christmas. We traveled to the Hales' Theater in SLC to see "Christmas Carole", ate at The Cracker Barrel, shopped at Tai Pan, played pool at Noah's and rocked out to the "Rock Band", celebrated the upcoming birth of our 13th grandchild at Olive Garden, jumped at Jumpin' Jacks, ate everything good, looked at lights, opened gifts twice, prayed often, went to Church, watched our special movie and thoroughly enjoyed every moment - even when Brooklyn threw up! The last family left yesterday and we dwindled from twenty five back to just the four of us. Call me crazy, but my favorite thing is to sit back and watch everyone interact - how did we get so many personalities, but one thing we all have in common - a sense of humor. I just found out how important a sense of humor is when Bill and I made use of one of our gifts - tickets to "Body Worlds 3". Happiness has more influence on your getting heart disease than weight, exercise, and age. Don't Worry - Be Happy!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Deer Hit Us

J and Brooklyn decided to come and stay with Grandma and Grandpa on Thanksgiving night. J called and said he wanted to stay for six days but his Dad negotiated with him to stay six days, but do it two days at a time (we taught Tom well). We put puzzles together, played "The Marble Game" on Grandma's computer, read stories, went to visit Maty, ate at McDonald's, and went looking at Christmas lights on Friday evening. We were going through Mapleton when I told J that Christmas was when we celebrated Jesus' birthday. Now everything took on a different perspective - instead of "look at the lights", J would say, "they are sure excited about Jesus' birthday!" and then the next house would have even more lights and he would say, "they are REALLY excited about Jesus' birthday!". As we were passing a very elaborately lit house, we heard a very large BANG and a very large deer continued to run across the street in front of us, stopped for a moment, then took off into the wooded area. We got out and inspected the car (not too much damage) and then continued on. I asked J if he was still looking for lights and he said, "I'm seeing shadows - I think there are more deer!" Then a few minutes later he was back saying, "they are excited about Jesus' birthday, huh Grandma?".

How excited are you about Jesus' birthday?

OK - Maybe Not

I'm just trying to cut back a little, maybe I'll just cut back on....not french fries.....not quilting.....not seeing my grandkids....not seeing my kids....not sleep....not - that's it! Here we come McDonalds - filet of fish does sound good. Wait til I post about a deer hitting us!