Saturday, June 11, 2011

What Is "Old Fashioned"?

The other day I was babysitting for one of my children and I decided to make some cookies. I searched and searched and could not find the flour or sugar. So I bagged that idea. A few days later I was mentioning this to one of my other children and they said, "You wouldn't be able to find any flour or sugar at our house either." A few more days went by and I mentioned this to another child and she said, "I have flour and sugar so I guess that makes me "Old Fashioned"!" I mentioned to my neighbor of over 25 years about the flour and sugar question and she replied, "Young people do not cook like we used to." That started me thinking about today's problems of diabetes, obesity, increase of cancers, etc..

Why do TV shows that concentrate on cooking and even a TV Network attract so many viewers? Has cooking become a "spectators sport"? Has the family sit down meals been replaced by taking your fast food and sitting in front of the TV and watching someone cook? Can you believe that the Food Pyramid that was introduced in 1992 and updated in 2005 is too complicated for today's average person to understand!?! The Food Pyramid, as of June 2, 2011, was replaced by "My Plate".

Now, come on people, cooking and eating sensibly should not be an option. I'm not suggesting we go back to grinding our own wheat and stomping on grapes for juice. Can't we at least crack open our own eggs, make our own casseroles, make our oatmeal (not tear open a package and add hot water to a lot of sugar and a few oats), make our own sandwiches, etc.!

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