Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Deer Hit Us

J and Brooklyn decided to come and stay with Grandma and Grandpa on Thanksgiving night. J called and said he wanted to stay for six days but his Dad negotiated with him to stay six days, but do it two days at a time (we taught Tom well). We put puzzles together, played "The Marble Game" on Grandma's computer, read stories, went to visit Maty, ate at McDonald's, and went looking at Christmas lights on Friday evening. We were going through Mapleton when I told J that Christmas was when we celebrated Jesus' birthday. Now everything took on a different perspective - instead of "look at the lights", J would say, "they are sure excited about Jesus' birthday!" and then the next house would have even more lights and he would say, "they are REALLY excited about Jesus' birthday!". As we were passing a very elaborately lit house, we heard a very large BANG and a very large deer continued to run across the street in front of us, stopped for a moment, then took off into the wooded area. We got out and inspected the car (not too much damage) and then continued on. I asked J if he was still looking for lights and he said, "I'm seeing shadows - I think there are more deer!" Then a few minutes later he was back saying, "they are excited about Jesus' birthday, huh Grandma?".

How excited are you about Jesus' birthday?


Natalie said...

I am EXCITED that you are still blogging!!! I love reading about your adventures. Did you know you could have your blog made into a book? What a great idea, right???!!

the Bachlers said...

Aly was calling Halloween lights, Christmas. She is on target now with all the lights. She also knows Christmas is to celebrate Jesus' birth.