Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another "New" Year

What am I going to do differently this year? What am I going to be better at? What can I do to improve my quality of life? How do I get motivated to make change? Do I want to make changes for me or someone else? Who is it that I want to please? So much to do and too little motivation. So, I'll start very simple: I will make someone else smile every day - only after I have found something to smile about. Can I do this daily for one year!?! Yup, I can do it. That was easy. You know what makes it so easy? I am married to a wonderful man that makes me smile every morning when I wake up - now the 2nd part is simple - smiles are contagious - you are smiling already. Just look at the picture of "my kids" and that would make anyone smile - they are so wonderful!